Notice: Due to issues with the processing of VAT on deliveries to the EU a limit has been put in place, restricting orders to a maximum of £135. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Lindy's Baccus Super Sale has been extended!

2024-01-26 00:00:00

Hello All, Lindy here again.  I will start with this week’s order number, which currently stands at #27579.

Old Misery Guts is back running things next week, but I thought that I could leave you all with something  to cheer you and me up and give him indigestion.   Lots of you have been taking advantage of the Baccus Super Sale, but I have had a lot of emails complaining about the timing as payday for lots of folks is the end of the month.


Peter isn't here today..

2024-01-19 00:00:00


Hi Lindy here...

The magic number this week is 27530.

This is going to be short and sweet this week,  as I am going to be in the hot seat next week processing orders. Peter will still be here but he has a book to write and will be shut away in the office. That means… I am in charge!

So, I am going to say one word to you. One word that will have Peter shaking in his boots. One word that is NOT in Peter’s vocabulary. One word that has not been written in Baccus history.

'What is this word?',  I hear you say.


The first Magic Number of 2024

2024-01-14 00:00:00

Hello dear readers, and welcome to the first magic number of 2024, which currently stands at #27335.   And as it’s the first of the year, I will add the rider that some numbers prior to this won’t be processed until next week, and there may be a couple of lucky customers with later orders than this who will get their packages early.

Just prior to Christmas, I had to break the unfortunate news that an entire consignment of overseas orders had been lost by the carriers.  They’ve informed me that they  think that the 15kg box of 25 individual orders got lost behind the sofa, or the dog ate it, or there was a letter ‘R’ in the month, or something reasonable like that.   We are now well into the process of recasting and replacing the affected orders and will be sending them out over the next couple of week.  If you are affected by this please bear with us  - you will get your order and we are working hard to sort things out.


Bookings now open for Joy of Six 2024

2024-01-08 00:00:00

As usual, this will be hosted by Sheffield Hallam University, and we are expecting to fill the rooms with wonderful games, laden trade stands and lots and lots of happy wargamers.


The first new releases of 2024!

2024-01-05 00:00:00

Welcome to the first post of 2024.   Let’s start the New Year as we would like to continue it, with another set of new releases.   Inevitably, these are 20th Century models, but don’t despair of you prefer earlier periods – we will have bits and pieces for you in the coming weeks and months.


Tales of the missing Magi and a few predictions

2023-12-28 00:00:00

It is a little known fact that there were in fact FOUR magi who made the trip to Bethlehem.   The problem was that the fourth, who went under the less than magnificent name of F’tuth, while being pretty damn good at the old foretelling business was not that hot at basic navigation.   Instead of meeting up with his mates, Melchi, Caspo and Balts, he completely messed things up and headed north, forever to ride out of the story and the legends.   As a result, he was unable to hand over this important gift to the infant.  Debate has raged for centuries over the nature of this fourth gift.   As we all know, each gift; gold, frankincense and myrrh, had a symbolic significance.  What was destined to be added to them, but was never delivered?


It's THAT time of year again!

2023-12-22 00:00:00

Walking round the abandoned Baccus workshop, I could see that the Elf workers had downed their tools.   The workbenches were cleared, the tools sloppily stacked and the great machines inert and abandoned.   The normal brutish sounds of Elves swapping childish innuendos and laughing at fart jokes that would have left a six-year old rolling their eyes were all absent.  All that was left to show that they had been working here was a sole grimy green pointy cap hung at a jaunty angle on an abandoned casting ladle.



2023-12-19 00:00:00

Firstly, the Good News.   The Consignment package of orders that featured in the post of December 7th has been recovered.   It is now being prepared for despatch and will be on its way tomorrow.   This has affected orders with tracking  numbers between TP-6519229 and TP-6519588 inclusive.   These existing details will remain valid.

Next, the Bad News.   Somehow, Lightning has struck twice, and the carriers have ‘misplaced’ a second consolidated consignment of two dozen orders.  Once again, we are working hard to sort this out.  The affected tracking numbers are between TP-6594862 and TP-6594885 inclusive.

If you are affected by this, please bear with us.  We are working hard to track this down and get the orders to where they need to be.


Another update, but no time for pretty pictures

2023-12-15 00:00:00

Once again, a pretty boring post – not even any cat pictures this week.  That’s not to say that we aren’t being busy, and, thanks to the casting team we have made huge inroads to the orders, trying to get as many as is possible before the Xmas shutdown.   To that end, this week, we have processed order #28609.   That’s nearly 200 for the week.

What IS happening behind the scenes is putting the finishing touches to the plans for new releases for 2024.  As usual we have lots of plans, some of which may actually turn into real product, but surely there’s no harm in having dreams?

We are also working on getting some of said new releases ready for releases early in the New Year.   It’s when we are quietest when we are at our most dangerous….


Christmas is coming...

2023-12-09 00:00:00

Today is a fairly typical ‘leading up to Christmas’ announcement.  We are all working flat out at getting as many orders out as quickly as we are able as we approach, ‘That time of year’.  Thanks ot the titanic efforts of the casting team, I am happy to announce that we are up to order number #26708.   I will let those of you with better maths skill than I to work out the number of orders processed since last week, (#26442), but it is a definitely a record on our part.

As you might expect, we haven’t had much time to think about new releases or range developments, but we are approaching the annual Baccus year end report when I will give you an idea of what to expect in 2024.   I think you will find it’ ‘interesting’….


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