Please see below for some questions about Polemos: SPQR.  I have also sent them to the Yahoo! group e-mail, to see if anyone is still using that...


What exactly is the pursuit rule in Polemos SPQR?  There doesn't appear to be a place in the rules where everything is described together but as far as I can make out...


1 - Light Horse, Cavalry and Tribal Foot which rout their target must pursue in the next movement phase.  Other troops can choose whether to pursue or not.


2 - As routing bases move in their next (and subsequent) movement phases, it is possible that the pursuing base will catch the routed base.  What happens in these circumstances?


3 - Routed bases "move as fast as possible" which I think should be 3BW for anyone on a horse, 2 BW for anyone on foot. How fast do pursuing bases move?  Does this change over time


4 - Pursuing bases get 2 "terrain" (i.e. not from casualties) shaken levels when "rallying from pursuit".  Do the bases get shaken from the moment they begin pursuing or from the moment they begin rallying?


5 - If routing bases contact a friendly base that they cannot burst through, the base is removed.  What do pursuing bases do at that point?


Foot Skirmishing:


6 - Foot skirmishers have a range of 2BW.  They may move 1BW towards or away from their targets in their movement bound but must pay TPs to do so if they move do not remain in ranged combat range (i.e. 2BW).  But this means that foot skirmishers are always in charge range of even foot opponents - is this intended? 




7 - "Bases moving into charge range of legitimate targets must declare a charge".  Is it intended that this should take place immediately the base moves into charge range, or done in the next player plase?


8 - If the charge does not happen, then must the opposing side declare a charge in its turn or not?  Does this differ depending upon whether the opposing side's base is halted or advancing?


9 - Roman legionaries are rubbish at charging (typically factor 0, +1 for being armoured versus +2 for tribal foot/auxilia enemies, +4 for pike enemies).  Is it intended that the Romans, when advancing, should move within 2BW - declare a charge next turn, probably fail - if the opposition does not launch its own charge, the legionaries then advance towards the opposition and (hopefully) simply advance to contact?


Ranged Combat:


10 - In the ranged combat example on p.29, is the -1 modifier "for each extra base shooting at the same target" misapplied?  Surely there is no extra base shooting at Parthians-1 & Parthians-2 and what should have happened is that Romans-1 fires at either Parthians1 or Parthians-2?  Or alternatively, Romans-1 and Romans-2 fire together at Parthians-2 only, and then the modifier is applied?


All the best