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Imperial Russia


Russia establishes an annex to the American moon base.

First Russian attempt to capture an Asteroid for commercial exploitation. Although this is nominally undertaken by a private company, this is in fact a front for a Kremlin controlled agency.

Russian scientists are heavily involved in the initial work on the Fractal Drive and the subsequent Odds Against mission. Following the break up of the consortium, the vast majority of these return to continue their work under government auspices

Russia begins its own exploration and colonisation programme. It is the last of the major global powers to embark on such a policy and as a result feels that it must catch up on lost ground. Expansion is therefore rapid, and the number of worlds claimed and occupied takes priority over their financial viability, their economic value or indeed their suitability for colonisation.

After a tenure of 22 years as President of Russia, Igor Alexandryovich Petrov is elevated to become Tsar Igor 1st of the New Russian Empire.

Having finally realised that quality is needed in its selection of space colonies the Imperial government establishes the ?Five Saints?. The colony planets of St Babylass, St Constantine, St Sergius, St Tatiana and St Mikahil. All are ?model? planets having been chosen carefully for their climate, stable tectonic conditions and friendliness to earth-based flora and fauna. Only the elite of the Russian colonists are allowed to settle there and the Imperial government lavishes money on their infrastructure.

The less ?favoured worlds of the Russian Empire see their lot worsen as a result of lack of interest or regard from the their government. The Tsar seems interested only in the Five Saints and not one member of the Imperial family sets foot outside of these, or Earth itself.

The result is an ever-growing tide of discontent. The leading colony in this movement is Belgerod, whose University is a hot-bed of discussion, agitation and political theorising. A delegation from Belgerod is sent to St Petersburg to petition the Tsar and explain their grievances. It is ignored, and the leaders imprisoned. To emphasise the displeasure to the Imperial authorities, Belgerod is occupied by a large detachment of Imperial soldiers. To set an example to others, the colony is effectively terminated. The entire population is forcibly repatriated to other parts of the Empire.

However, rather than solving the problem, this just creates an even bigger one for the government.

The influence of the Belgerod diaspora begins to bite as discontent with Imperial rule spreads throughout the colonies. While there is not central control to this movement is is notable that at the heart of each planet?s dissident movement there is a Belgerodnik or of the pupil of one.

The Imperial response is to use the armed forces to crack down on each and every incident, but the huge spread of colony worlds and the ramshackle nature of the Imperial army leads to nothing more than isolated incidents of extreme violence on a seemingly random basis.

The government response is to order the formation of local militia units on every colony world. Many of these units soon get infiltrated and taken over by local dissidents putting arms and equipment in their hands for the very first time.

The most significant rebellion of them all starts on St Mikhail ? one of the Five Saints. This is no backwater colony, but the second richest planet in the Empire and home to two Imperial Palaces.

The Belgerodniks have returned to haunt the Empire as is is they who managed to install themselves firmly in the financial, academic, political and military hierarchy of St Mikhail's society. It is they who frame the 'Declaration of the Rights of the People'– a document that effectively declares the secession of 70% of the colony worlds from Imperial control.

2511 - 2533
Imperial Russian space is torn by civil war. So vast is the Empire that is actually passes by many smaller and poorer colonies, although even here there small scale local power struggles between the pro and anti Imperial factions.

The major campaigns and battles are fought on the larger colony worlds as the Imperial forces attempt to take back territory by miitary force. They are met by determined opposition from a mix of local militia and defense forces, all of widely varying quality; their ex-comrades who have thrown their lot in with the rebels; and with merecenary forces.

On some worlds, notably Nezhegorod and especially Kazan, the end result is the total destruction of the colony infrastructure.

With both sides on the brink of economic collapse the war is ended with the signing of the Convention of St Mikhail. St Mikhail itself becomes the centre of government of the ?Russian Cosmos Alliance? consisting of approximately half of the colony worlds. The Alliance acknowledges a nominal connection with the Empire, but is self-govering.

Although a wasteful and costly civil war is now over, both sides must face the huge prospect of reconstruction. There are many former colonies in both power blocs that have achieved a level of self-government that they are loathe to surrender. A number of worlds have reverted to the old certainties of fundamental religion, be that Othodox Christian or Islam, and there are a significant few who have declared themselves Communist.

Although neither the Empire nor the Alliance is in any condition to enforce their theoretical sovereignty over these worlds, it is only a matter of time before they have recovered enough to start.