The wars involving the Samurai of Japan have long been favourites with wargamers. They offer great scope for huge armies clad in beautifully decorated armour and equipment fighting under large colourful flags and banners.

The Samurai armies changed in nature over their history. The Baccus ranges offer troops from the 11th to the 14th centuries when warfare was dominated by the mounted Samurai archer and his naginata- armed retainers. In the later period, the foot soldiers of the increasingly large and professional armies took to the Yari and the bow and later the musket. The Samurai themselves moved from the role of horse archer to mounted lancer.

These figures offer the collector and the wargamer to model some of the most striking and visually appealing armies available in any scale.

Figure Format
Infantry (four figures to a strip), and Mounted troops (three to a strip), are based in file for cutting and rebasing. Foot Command strips, are included in all Line Infantry packs at a rate of four strips of command to twenty of line. I can vary this proportion on request.

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