Right, now I've got you captive on my web page I can attempt to bombard
you with lots of propaganda about using little soldiers. Why do I have
to do this? Well, consider it as my small way of fighting back against
all those articles in wargaming magazines that tell you how to start wargaming
and how to choose scales and that contain comments like:
"6mm scale is very good for microarmour games but for real wargaming
you must use 15mm or 25mm figures."
"6mm offers a cheap alternative, but the figures cannot have the
design quality of properly sized miniatures."
"6mm figures lack the visual appeal of 15mm figures."
"The advantage of 6mm figures is that they are so small that they
can be used for anything across different wargames periods."
(Bitter? Not I!)
In other words, most wargames articles are written by people who use larger
scale armies habitually and have no idea of the quality of design, range
availability and ease of use of small scale figures. (Time to redress
the balance, Methinks.) If you have stumbled across this polemic you are
Reading this because you like 6mm as a scale and agree with every word
I say,
You have found the mention of wargames on a browser, and have no idea
of what I am talking about, and would as much consider using a 6mm wargames
army as sticking your head into a kitchen blender.
To the latter reader, may I say, 'read on!'. What I write may offend,
upset or plain turn you off, but you might just find something of interest,
and it should at least be entertaining. If you agree with just three of
the points I make in the piece I challenge you to dip your toes into smaller
scale wargaming, and try for yourself.
A Question and a History lesson
'Why are modern wargames dominated by 25mm and 15mm scales? '
Is it because these are the natural sizes for toy soldiers?
Is it because no other size has the unique advantages offered by these
Is it because they are convenient and easy to use?
The answer lies in model railways.
Wargaming is a relative newcomer as a mass hobby, H G Wells and the Prussian
general staff excepted, because warfare has not been seen as a viable
leisure interest. On the other hand, celebrating the triumphs of civil
engineering and a fascination with smelly, dirty, noisy and apparently
romantic steam trains has been, and is still, the basis of a hugely popular
modelling industry. When Airfix began to release its seminal ranges of
military subjects in the 1960's, it did so in the scale that it was most
familiar with - the infamous HO/OO scale, acceptable to railway modellers.
These figures were anywhere between 20mm-25mm in size and became the backbone
of the armies of that stalwart band of pioneer wargamers in the 1960's.
Naturally when a nascent metal soldier manufacturing industry began, it
followed precedent and we saw companies such as Garrison, Jacklex, Minfigs
and Hinchliffe all producing 20mm to 25mm figures so as to complement
the existing market. The tyranny had begun....
As wargaming expanded in the 1970's 15mm began to appear as an alternative
to the increasingly expensive 25mm scale. Wargamers saw them a means of
getting cheaper figures that were easier to paint and offered the opportunity
to buy mass armies. Unfortunately for them it hasn't quite worked out
that way.
While all this was happening, the first evidence of a smaller, more flexible,
more dynamic form of life made its appearance, with the advent of micro
wargaming using tanks. Now, I had always considered tankies and armour
fetishists to be a bit weird, but if you think about it they were the
first ones to latch on to 1/300th wargaming realising that it offered
the chance to fight big battles at realistic scale ranges with lots of
models that were not too expensive to buy in quantity and were quick and
easy to paint. Perhaps tankies should be conceded as having more up in
their cupolas than I had previously thought. However, despite the best
effort of Heroics and Ros, the scale was slow to catch on, and 25mm and
15mm figure manufactures grew in numbers and popularity.
To bring us up to date.
As the years have progressed there have been two main developments with
larger scale figures:
1) The quality of design and detail in both scales has increased beyond
all recognition.
2) In order to accommodate the extra detail, figures have grown bigger
in size and bulk. 25mm really means a minimum of 30mm, while 15mm figures
are topping out around 20mm.
A fascinating symptom of all this is the adoption of the '28mm' figure.
In the good old days, the 25mm standard was used by most. As the heavy
and thickset style of figures produced by Games Workshop and followed
by Wargames Foundry came in vogue, it became a little ludicrous to call
a casting standing 32mm tall a '25mm' figure. So, instead of coming clean
and admitting that 30mm scale was the new standard, it was decided to
call these giants '28mm' scale. Now its no more accurate to call them
28mm as 25mm, but I suppose it dupes the buyer into thinking that they
are not really that far oversized.
(Back in the 1980's the British government renamed the rather leaky nuclear
facility at Windscale. It became transformed into Sellafield and we were
all supposed to believe that changing its name made it more acceptable
and less leaky. Now the general UK populace wasn't really fooled by this
name change, but wargamers seem to have accepted 28mm as an accepted fact.
When one person on a Newsgroup tried to to describe them more accurately
as 30mm figures he was called a pedant and laughed out of court.
I'm afraid changing a name still doesn't change a nature, and I'm obviously
in a minority in the wargames population, as evidenced by my crazed interest
in very small soldiers. But I digress.)
An interesting parallel development has been the emergence of the '18mm'
figure. This strange creature evolved in a very similar manner to its
28mm cousin. One producer made some very nice Napoleonic 15mm figures.
One reason why they were so very nice was that they were actually 20mm
tall. Rather than go the whole hog, an entire new wargaming scale has
been invented just to fit this range and its successors,
There are no real problems with increasing the size so long as everyone
is doing it. But, remember that increased bulk means increased mass, means
increased weight and increased cost. It is a very fortunate person who
can go and buy an entire army at one go. We are sold the increased cost
on the grounds of the increased quality. Unfortunately very few of us
can really do the superb sculpting the justice it deserves when it comes
to wielding our paint brushes.
The increased cost also manifests itself in how we wargame. One of the
main selling points of DBA was that you didn't need to use a lot of figures
to make an army. Fine, but the sight of a DBA game played with 25mm figures
is ludicrous. Similarly Fire and Fury have swept all before them, but
once again you can reach the ridiculous heights of having a dozen figures
represent a whole Brigade! Another manifestation of this is in rule sets
like the Warhammer series in which increased emphasis is placed on individual
figures as they are given special characteristics, rendering the game
more like a big skirmish than a battle.
The result of this reduction in numbers of figures is to make us put more
effort into what we have got. Hence we go to ridiculous lengths to emulate
the beautifully painted figures in the glossy wargames magazines and lavish
care and attention on painting and detailing and basing. There has emerged
a new culture, whereby wargamers no longer produce colourful and interesting
counters for wargames, but miniature dioramas for photo opportunities.
We are becoming Military Modellers, not Wargamers.
Does it matter, and why does the use of small scale figures make a difference?
I admit it...no amount of words from me will change the opinion of the
affluent wargamer with a long established collection of thousands of 25/28mm
figures who has a permanent wargames room in which to store them, or has
a extensive club premises. In the real world, most of us have to find
storage space competing with the kid's toys, have three hours to play
a game one evening a week, and have to transport our little warriors around.
To the second group may I address the following:
- Small scale figures are a lot cheaper than bigger ones. I could increase
my prices by 50% and you would still find them cheaper weight for weight
than the most 25mm products.
- 6mm figures offer acceptable entry costs for the newcomer to the hobby
or new period.
- 6mm figures are much, much easier to paint in large quantities than
either 15mm or 25mm equivalents. See my painting guide to find out how,
but trust me on this one.
- Even lots and lots of 6mm figures weigh much less than big toy soldiers.
They are therefore much easier to lug around and suffer less damage when
dropped or when your carrying case gets stood on its end by your partner.
- 6mm figures take up far less room and are easier to store.
- Using 6mm figures properly gives you far better battlefield presentation
than larger scale figures.
To elaborate on that final point.
I have already touched upon the fact that most people cannot afford large
numbers of 28mm figures, so armies become smaller representing larger
numbers of actual men. If a wargamer chooses to use 15mm figures the tendency
is to use 28mm thinking and just use a similar number of 15mm figures,
but on smaller bases and with reduced move distance and ranges. The problem
comes when that logic is applied, as it all too often is, to the use of
6mm figures. Of course small scales cannot compete on these terms. The
answer is to use some lateral thinking.
There are lots of good rules out there for use with 28mm figures using
solid mechanisms and units of measurement that do not rely upon a micrometer
to establish. The answer is to use their base sizes and ground scales,
but with 6mm figures. Let me show you how. I will use the example of quite
simply the best 28mm ECW wargames rules available on the market - Forlorn
Hope published by Partizan Press. (Yes, I am biased, I wrote them, but
this is my soapbox remember!). I wrote these some years ago for use with
28mm figures and it shows.
This is what I do now.
Each infantryman is supposed to be mounted on a 20mm square base and represents
approximately 33 men. A large regiment of one thousand men is therefore
represented by thirty figures. Casualty removal is by whole figures -
two Hits = two figures removed.
Using 6mm figures we retain the 20mm square base. We replace the lone
25mm figure, (cost £0.90) with three Baccus 6mm figure strips totalling
twelve miniatures in three ranks, (cost £0..60). The regiment of
one thousand men is now represented by three hundred and sixty figures
and really does look the business. Figure removal is done by taking off
one base of figures. Movement and measurement is done in inches.
Horse similarly sees one mounted figure, (cost £1.70) replaced by
three strips of Baccus figures (cost £1.20).
You get battles which look like battles as opposed to skirmishes, you
get the advantage of easy to use, tried and tested rules and at a third
saving of the cost of equivalent big figures.
Similarly I play Fire and Fury games with eight 6mm figures replacing
one 28mm figure. The result is long lines of infantry and massed attacks
that look like massed attackss.
The reduction in the relationship
between figure size to ground scale also enables us to make more informed
judgements as to realistic table top ranges.
If you have a unit of 28mm javelinmen each representing say 50 men, you
may think that a reasonable weapon range is 100mm - four inches. Now,
replace those 28mm figures and occupy the same the area with 6mm figures
and you quickly realise that 100mm would see them all throwing their javelins
further than Olympic athletes!
Lots of rule writers (myself included) have been suckered into allowing
their judgement to be affected by the size of their toys, not what they
those toys are actually supposed to represent.
A pleasant side effect of all of you appreciating the quality and truth
of my arguments is of course that I move more metal to customers. However,
I do believe that you, as a gamer get cheaper armies, a much more spectacular
gaming experience, more realistic looking battles, armies which are quick
to paint and use, a release from the tyranny of painting eyelashes and
dental fillings on figures and an opportunity to have more fun in your
hobby. Fair exchange to my way of thinking!
Comments, abuse, enquiries, reasoned arguments as to how wrong I can possibly
be and any other verbiage can be addressed to me through e-mail, >>>>click
here, fax, or letter.
And if you think this rant
was bad enough, just >>>>click
here for my updated views on just exactly what is wrong with 28mm
scale wargaming - it is not for the faint-hearted....Think Big and buy